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Fete Definition Meaning - Merriam-Webster Because of its French ties, you will sometimes see fete spelled with a circumflex above the first e (fête), as that's how it appears in that language
Fête - Wikipedia In the United Kingdom and some of its former colonies, a fête is a public outdoor festival organised to raise money for a charity It typically includes entertainment and the sale of goods and refreshments
fête - Wiktionary, the free dictionary fête f (plural fêtes) winter holidays (always in plural) Tu fais quoi pour les fêtes (de fin d’année)? ― What will you do for the (winter) holidays? (literally, “ the end-of-year holidays ”) party Synonyms: teuf, partie, nouba Je fais une fête chez moi ce soir! ― I'm throwing a party at my place tonight! (literally, “ I'm doing
FÊTE | translate French to English - Cambridge Dictionary fête [noun] an entertainment, especially in the open air, with competitions, displays, the selling of goods etc usually to raise money, especially for charity We are holding a summer fete in aid of charity
Fête - definition of fête by The Free Dictionary fête ( feit ) noun an entertainment, especially in the open air, with competitions, displays, the selling of goods etc usually to raise money, especially for charity